Pallbearers MC Provides and Installs a Ramp for a Veteran.

Pallbearers MC Mission:

Our Mission is to help veterans on a 1 to 1 basis. We are determined to help those veterans that are fighting to help themselves but struggle to make ends meet.

There are very limited resources to help our veterans. PALLBEARERS MC with our community and other supporters will give a hand up, not a handout, to all those veterans that need and deserve an opportunity to live a little better life.

PALLBEARERS MC will continue to bridge the gap for better relations between the general public and the MC clubs. We are known, liked and respected in our community and will pursue to keep that relationship.

PALLBEARERS MC will help those veterans while they are here and carry them to their final resting place when they are gone.


I have fought when others feared to serve.
I have gone where others failed to go.
I’ve lost friends in war and strife,
Who valued Duty more than love of life.

I have shared the comradeship of pain.
I have searched the lands for men that we have lost.
I have sons who served this land of liberty,
Who would fight to see that other stricken lands are free.

I have seen the weak forsake humanity.
I have heard the traitors praise our enemy.
I’ve seen challenged men become even bolder,
I’ve seen the Duty, Honor, Sacrifice of the Soldier.

Now I understand the meaning of our lives,
The loss of comrades not so very long ago.
So to you who have answered duties siren call,
May God bless you my son, may God bless you all.

Lewis Millett

How You Can Help:

If you’d like to help with our cause, please click on the link to make a donation to assist a veteran in need. Every donation matters!